Shaikh Petroleum was established in the year 1983 under the dynamic leadership of Late Mr. Gulambhai Shaikh. SHAIKH Petroleum established more than two decades ago.
“SHAIKH PETROLEUM” is one of the reliable names in the Oil & Petroleum Market in Bharuch Dist. Shaikh Petroleum is wholesale & Retail Suppliers of Light Diesel Oil & Furnace Oil C9 C10 & MTO.
Brief About Products: Light Diesel Oil Light Diesel Oil falls under class C category fuel having flash point above 66OC. It is a blend of distillate components and a small amount of residual components. It is marketed under BIS 1460-2000 specification for Diesel fuels.
C9 Plus Use
The products will serve a broad range of industries and applications like Paints and Coatings, Printing Inks and Reducers, Offset inks, Agro-chemicals, Surfactants, Emulsifiers, Oil Field Chemicals, Foundry Chemicals, Water Treatment Chemicals, Disinfectants, Wash Oils,, etc. The emphasis is on significant value addition through development of specialty chemicals and niche products.
C9 Plus Test Report :-

Material Safety Data Sheet
- Product Name : Aeromatic solvent C-9. General Use : Solvent in paint industry Company
- COMPOSITION / INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Synonyms : solvent CAS No. : 8006-64-2 Composition: Mixed of Hydrocarbons Hazardous Components: Aeromatic solvent
- HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Primary Entry Routes : Inhalation, skin and eyes Acute effects : Skin contact can cause dermatitis. Can penetrate skin to produce systemic effects. Eye contact is irritating & damaging, vapours can irritate eyes. Inhalation of vapours is irritating & can produce headaches, dizziness, vertigo, chest pains, bronchitis, pulmonary edema Carcinogenicity : Not listed as carcinogenic Chronic Effects : No data available
- FIRST AID MEASURES Eyes: Flush with water for 15 min. Get medical attention. Skin: Wash with warm water & soap. Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. Consult a physician if irritation persists. Ingestion: Get medical help at once
- FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES Flash Point : 35˚C Flash Point Method : 260˚C :0.8% Auto ignition Temperature : 5% LEL : Flammable UEL : Foam, Dry chemical powder,CO2 Flammability Classification : Heat produces corrosive vapours and can cause violent rupture of Unusual Fire or Explosion Hazards Container Hazardous Combustion Products : Carbon di oxide, carbon mono oxide Fire-Fighting Instructions : Fire fighters should wear self breathing apparatus while fighting fire
- ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Small Spills : Shut off leaks without risk. Absorb on sand or earth Containment: Prevent spillage from entering drains or water sources Cleanup: After spills wash area with soap and water preventing runoff from entering Drains
- HANDLING AND STORAGE Handling Precautions: Do not use/store near heat/open flame. Avoid breathing harmful vapours. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Wash thoroughly after handling Storage Requirements: Do not use/store near heat/open flame/water/acids
- EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION Engineering Controls: Provide proper ventilation for environment to be below TWA Respiratory Protection: Use respiratory protection if ventilation is improper Protective Clothing / Equipment: Use face shield, PVC gloves, safety boots while handling. Contaminated clothing to be immediately removed
- PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Physical State: Liquid Appearance and Odor : Water white liquid with kerosene like odour Vapor Pressure : 4 mm of Hg at 20˚C Specific Gravity : 0.79 Water S : insoluble Boiling Point : 145˚C to 205˚C Freezing Point